Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Ever Forward

Yennett vs Tuvasa
The last game of Commander I played took three hours. It was against people piloting Derevi, Sydri, and Queen Marchesa and it was quite a bit of fun!

But three hours wears on you, I'll tell you that much. However, I kept my wits about me and was able to pull off a victory against some really interesting and well put together decks, so that feels good.

It also allowed me to see a great deal of my deck, so I was able to see how it preforms and some of my takeaways are:

Future Sight is awesome and opponents were generally willing to ignore it.

Mind's Dilation is really awesome.

I need some shuffle effects in this deck or more ways to manipulate the library because I spent a lot of turns with lands on top of my deck. Sometimes this was good, as when Duskmantle Seer is in play but often I felt frustrated, since despite my best efforts, I never saw a Soothsaying or a Mystic Revelation.

Enter: Beacon of Unrest. Here's something that will fulfill at least two great roles in this deck; first I get a shuffle effect and second, I could get a win condition from any graveyard.

And Yennett needs both of these things, because it's a slower deck and wants to get to the long game. Once Yennett is online, the goal is to just keep drawing enough cards to overwhelm the opponents but that doesn't happen until turn six, frequently. But it is, as friends are saying, a 'value engine' it just takes a little time for the engine to warm up.

This is going to be the last post for a little bit; I'm out of town for ten days so I won't get much gaming in. But I'll be back in July!


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