Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Free Pizza-Black Order Season

I honestly didn't think I was going to make my goal of hitting level 90. I'd barely gotten to level 85 when I went on a spiral, and dropped to level 68. Minus 17 levels in two days? Woof.

Then I saw someone on the Marvel Snap subreddit talk about how they were beaten in Conquest mode by someone running a basic Taskmaster deck. 

Well shit. I got one of those. 

Zero Sum Marvel Snap deck-Zero, Ebony Maw, Armor, Lizard, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Shuri, Enchantress, Typhoid Mary, Red Skull, Taksmaster

Thing is; this puppy got me from 68 back to level 84, and I did it in about two days. It seems a bit shocking how few decks are prepared for two 28 power characters, until you realize what the meta is and then it makes sense. 

Enchantress has been the key card for this season. Taking out Morbius (a heavy hitter in the discard decks) and Living Tribunal, she's been an absolute rockstar. 

But the meta is very much based around Hela decks that want to use their turn six to resurrect the biggest characters in the game: The Infinaut, Giganto, Magneto, things like this-after discarding them to Modok. 

I didn't have a Modok and countering the Hela deck is rough. Apparently one of the best players in the world was using the Black Knight deck to rank up and this was what I used to get to level 90. 
I Dub Thee deck-Sunspot, Black Knight, Blade, Zabu, Armor, Lady Sif, Ghost Rider, Enchantress, Sera, She-Hulk, Magneto, infinaut

This is doing something similar to the Hela deck yes, but has the flexibility of creating a Black Sword that effectively cannot be interacted with. It means that locations that would reduce or destroy it, just don't and as a turn 4 play or even as a 3 cost play-well if you can put 10, 12 or 20 power in play for that? You're doing pretty well. 

I get why it's such a good deck, and though I'm not sure it's better than the current Hela meta (which is getting a bit tiresome, in my opinion, because there isn't much to interact with) I enjoy playing it more. 

However, this month was the month where I realized that the insistence that I make level 90 to "make my money back" was eating at my enjoyment of the game. I give them $10 a month because I'm having a good time, not to try and take it back from them. Why am I making things unfun by forcing myself to achieve an external goal (level 90) rather than an internal one (play well & have fun!)? I have little control over the first, but significant control over the second. 

Because there's a reason why, as soon as I hit level 90, I went to reddit and asked for spicy lists. And when I didn't get much, (someone suggested Agatha which is just...not spice) I leaned into two ideas I've been messing around with: destroy your stuff and move your stuff. 

It's been more fun than I thought and hey, sometimes I even pull wins.

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