Thursday, January 10, 2019

Axis of Interaction

Dirge vs Mono G and things look bad.
It's starting to looking like I can win games where I have the ability to a) operate on my curve and b) useful ways to do things to my opponent's stuff.

Games I lose are ones against mill decks, which don't care about creatures, or odd combo decks like Fuz's UR Howling Mine deck that wants to kill me via Runeflare Trap and Sudden Impact.

Now, it didn't help that I had some terrible opening draws in that matchup; in one game I went down to three cards, because my hands were so bad.

The fact remains, when I had things to do on turns one or two, either because I had removal or a creature to play, my position in the game was much stronger. If I could interact with my opponent's strategy, I had a higher chance at winning.

So, what to do?

Well, I'm going to lean into what the deck does well. Why worry about bad matchups? Especially with a mono-black deck, I've already created a limited scope for this deck's field of play. Why not zoom in?

Unfortunately, there really isn't much to do at the lower end-there are no Ogres at the 1 CMC spot in black and I am reluctant to run Treacherous Pit-Dweller in a deck that is a little light on unconditional removal, but perhaps this is what's required, given my vision for Dirge.

The more I think about it, the less risky this becomes. Sure, it sucks if my opponent is playing red removal, but most white removal exiles which means the drawback isn't a problem. Black removal is usually more expensive for black creatures (Fatal Push aside) and really isn't run to often in my circles anyway. So it should be neat to give this a go!

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