Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trying In Vain To Figure It Out

As always, I like to start by running the deck through

What I learned; the manabase is divvied up evenly but I have more black cards. That there is nothing at the four drop spot, but 16 at the three.

While I have eight one drops, none of them are useful on their own; Spirit Link and Basilisk Collar need creatures to go on, Dark Ritual needs something to accelerate out.

As always, numbers don't quite tell the whole story.

The trouble is; how should I tweak this deck now?

Dark Ritual is better suited for fast combo decks. But taking out a one-drop and replacing it with four Command the Dreadhorde seems extremely unwise, because six mana is a lot to get to. I don't think I want four copies of Command anyway; three should probably do the trick.

Rune-Tail, Kistune Ascendant is definitely a "Living the dream" card. I don't want to cut all my creatures but The Wanderer just does what that does better.

So those are on the chopping block, but first a few games with Wasting Away: theorycrafting is fine but I still have to get some games in!

The planned changes will almost certainly mean mana base tweaks, so I'll need to keep that in mind as we go.

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