Thursday, January 9, 2020


Here are the upgrades I've made to the deck for the tournament (updates in bold):

3 Grenade Launcher
3 Escape Plan
2 Kinetic Intensifier Whip
3 Improvised Shield
2 Basic Combat Protocol
3 Enforcement Batons
2 Erratic Lightning
1 Bashing Shield
1 Kinetic Converter

Repurpose 3
Ready For Action  2
Frag Toss 2
Head-On Collision 1
Defensive Formation 2
Battlefield Report 2
Brainstorm 3
Leap Into Battle 3
Escape Plan 3
Surprise Attack 3
Swindled 2

I leaned towards an aggressive build, eliminating Handheld Blaster for Grenade Launcher to increase the strength of the flips I would be making. Head-On Collision is there because I don't ever flip Raider Tailwind and Runabout's strongest attack mode is its bot mode, and a fourth copy of  Leap Into Battle is pretty good.

I also increased the green pip density for Raider Tailwind. Every little bit of offense or defense will help and while there isn't a ton of green pips, seven is still more than one.

The Sideboard is going to be
1 Stable Cover
1 Defensive Formation
2 Vaporize
2 Crushing Size
3 Crowbar

Motormaster, Stunticon Leader

Here's my reasoning:

Motormaster meets a critical point for my support character: it doesn't transform. Again: all the focus is going to be on Runabout and Runamuck for my flip actions, so the support card has to be solid as is.

And I chose Motormaster because of Private Sunrunner. Of the other Patrol teams, this is the only one who can do non-combat damage, which I think is a strong ability. While I expect the Air Strike Patrol to be a thing (they're the best Patrol at the moment) there aren't any real counters for what it does. I'm hoping to use the healing flips of Runabout to keep me in the game long enough to make an opponent's Raider Tailwind not matter.

But Motormaster takes a definite cut at Sunrunner's ability and that's what the sideboard is for.

Defensive Formation comes in vs the 4-5 wide decks, and if I can play it as my final action before they attack with two characters that would be ideal. Extra Stable Cover comes in against the black pip decks-I fully expect there to be a two-tall, heavy pierce deck. The characters and cards are there to support it, Raider Nova Storm can hit hard and I feel like it would be foolish to ignore the strategy.

Crushing Size and Vaporize are important because there are quite a few good Utility upgrades, especially ones that draw cards, and while Marshawn does a lot, it doesn't hit those very well or easily.

Crowbar is my wildcard at the moment: double pierce pips seem good against a heavily defensive deck. Is that a good idea? I don't know. But I'm not sure what else I should add in: more copies of Bashing Shield? Reprocess? I'm hoping to get a little testing in to help clarify things in time for Saturday.

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