Tuesday, March 17, 2020


I took Omega Supreme to the event last Saturday; I felt that the 'draw all the cards' plan would allow me the flexibility to overcome multiple challenges that I might face from a Titans and Combiners field.

The field was only comprised of Combiners: Aerialbots, Sentinels and a clever Six-Gun/Dreadwing deck. I lost to all of them, and in short order-not even winning a game.

On the upside, my opponents all told me that they thought I played well, making good decisions, and the games themselves weren't lopsided.

But the weaknesses of Omega Supreme pops up here, too: outnumbered, the team takes a lot of extra damage, with numerical advantage, the combination trigger doesn't happen in time. And, whether I like it or not, the strength of Omega Supreme-drawing all the cards so I have answers, well that's very fortune-dependent. If I get a Pocket Processor or a Universal Network Access, I'm in good shape! But if I don't then those weaknesses get glaring, fast.

In the end, I wasn't able to overcome the other builds. I was good but I wasn't good enough and the deck was strong but aligned badly against the field.

In retrospect, I think I would've liked to have combined the discard element of Predacons with Omega Supreme. I don't think many decks are ready for losing their best action, and that strike at their tempo might have helped me get to where I was going. 

Finally, this was the last gathering that I'll probably be able to attend due to the COVID-19 virus. It's pretty challenging to write about games you play with people when people should not gather to play.

I think I'll be putting up some videogame content as I can. Hopefully I will still be able to play Magic online via Cockatrice: I wish I could play Transformers that way but alas, it isn't possible via Mac.

Still, I've been playing some Life is Strange lately, and I've been noticing how it's narrative continually butts up against my notion of gameplay, and Doom Eternal comes out on Friday.

And I loved the 2016 Doom. So I'll do my best, and hopefully we'll get through all this together.

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