I build this deck many years ago with the weird notion of: what if we tried to use White for reanimate strategies? Named for the Hold Steady song mostly because I like the song.
3 Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens
1 Patron of the Kitsune
3 Lantern Kami
1 Yosei, the Morning Star
3 Devout Witness
4 Patrol Hound
1 Mageta the Lion
3 Ghost-Lit Redeemer
2 Eternal Dragon
1 Noble Templar
3 Karmic Guide3 Blessed Breath
3 Otherworldly Journey
2 Miraculous Recovery1 Emeria, the Sky Ruin
22 Plains1 Wrath of God
1 Kirtar's Wrath
2 Resurrection
It's a little weird, I know: at the time I built the deck there wasn't much in the color to support a typical reanimation take and I can't say that I know that's changed. But the newest card in this deck is probably Emeria, the Sky Ruin so there's a good chance that something has changed in the past 11 years. Some of those changes are undoubtedly creatures, but others might include a better curve, ways to get creatures into the graveyard, or...maybe this is a flameout deck and needs to be retired.
The subtheme of trying to get Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens online is probably where this deck is taking its worst turn. Reanimator strategies rely on putting one game changing creature into play and winning; Oyobi wants to show up, get a few drinks, maybe you get to play some more spells?
There's definitely a more streamlined, focused deck to be built, one that isn't constrained by Spirits and Arcane spells, so that's where I'm going to head.
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