Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Phyrexia: ONE Pre-release

A pre-release! I haven't been to one since at least 2019, and Red Castle Games was hosting one (with masking strongly encouraged-and most people wore one!) I felt like this might be a good time to get some of my mojo back. I went with a RW build that I list below, and here's how the matches went:

Rd 1 vs Peter

Game 1: I got some early removal with Hexgold Slash and Annex Sentry. Then my fliers came to clean up the rest.

Game 2: I got land screwed and couldn't do much.

Game 3: Was a grindy match, but I was able to outlast him in the end. Whew!

Rd 2 vs Thom

Game 1: His turn one Venerated Rotpriest did some WORK. But I was able to stabilize and then cast Solphim, Mayhem Dominus and he conceded quickly after that. 

Game 2: He cast White Sun’s Twilight for 7 = I die

Game 3: I was mana screwed and used my Annex Sentry early to bide me time. His next spell was Glissa Sunslayer, and I couldn't find an answer for that.

Rd 3 vs Steve

Game 1: I got mana flooded and couldn’t hang.

Game 2: I got a lot of early damage in with a Mandible Justicar, getting to 29 life-but once I lost my lifelink creature, he had an answer for my Basilica Shepherd. Then his fliers took over the game.


Here’s the deck:

2 Blazing Crescendo
2 Compleat Devotion
Charge of the MItes
2 Hexgold Slash

Hazardous Blast
Gleeful Demolition

The Eternal Wanderer

Infested Fleshcutter
Bladehold War-Whip

Kuldotha Cackler
Chimney Rabble
Axiom Engraver
Solphim Mayhem Dominus
Ichorplate Golem
Atraxa’s Sktterfang
Annex Sentry
2 Basilica Shepherd
Porcelain Zealot
Bladed Ambassador

If I had to do this over again, I’d cut the Infested Fleshcutter: I never had the time or mana to equip it and tokens that cannot block are not that useful, unless I can generate them every turn. As a matter of fact, I might’ve swapped white for green, and tried that instead because after the Fleshcutter, my options were...nothing, really.

But, I had a good time and played against very nice people! That works for me.

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