Thursday, September 5, 2024

Free Pizza-Young Avengers Season

 This season was a bear. I felt like I just couldn't find a good deck or a rhythm with the ones I knew well. The meta game felt all over the place, and sometimes I just had RNGesus tell me to get screwed. 

I did have some very memorable moments, like this:

Cancun tie locations in Marvel Snap

Full kudos to my opponent there. I love it. Plus I continued robbing Tribunal players of cubes with a turn six Enchantress. 

But damn, do my decks always seem to need Enchantress. 

I did earn my free pizza though on the last weekend and I did it after the Attuma tweak. Something about that deck hummed. 

Destroy/Armor deck for Marvel Snap
Is this good? Will I keep it?? No idea. This deck doesn't have a name yet and this would be my third destroy deck. I'd almost rather incorporate something into a deck I already have--but I had a bounty on getting wins with Armor and Attuma in the same deck. 

I got that bounty and suddenly found myself hitting rank 90 after languishing in the 80s most of the season. 

Destroy is still a pretty good deck and Killmonger has become pretty important against the Marvel Boy decks. 

Which is a little bit of a shame: I think the Marvel Boy decks are pretty neat! But they seemed to lead to a metagame that I couldn't get my head around. I had a lot of fun with Ultron decks though-they did a bunch of work for me...until they didn't. 

Similarly, I had some success with a deck using Cassandra Nova and Ajax or Darkhawk: for a hot minute my meta seemed to shift to all Arishem all the time. 

You can mess a Arishem player UP with a Cassandra Nova played on turn 3. 

But I made it, and I'm glad I did. Whew!

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