Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hidden High

Hold vs Rebels

I had a one-of Goblin Engineer in here and I just was never quite thrilled with it. 

I kept the card in Hold for a long time because I couldn't figure out if it was good or not. It seems good, right? A way to fetch some crucial equipment like Shadowspear, while also allowing me to bring a Reconfigure creature back for a land, if needed. 

It could help re-trigger Sigarda's Aid, so I could equip a creature immediately too, if the Aid was on the battlefield. 

But, when I would get it active, it just didn't feel like I was doing something. This might be a flaw in goldfishing: as a one of, seeing Engineer was rare in games. 

Still, the tests were good-this is one reason I decided to upgrade this deck. Attacking for 11+ damage out of nowhere was a Good Thing and most of my friends weren't ready for it.

I also had a flash in the pan usage of Magnetic Theft when I cut the Engineer. But I never saw the card in action and honestly just felt silly having it in. Maybe that was hasty and I should've given it more time. Especially since the equip costs in this deck hit five mana and last time I checked, one was much less than five. 

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