After a few matches with the original list, I rapidly came to a conclusion: Let's play all the removal!
At least, that seemed to be the theme that came up when I was replacing cards. Assassin's Trophy and Status/Statue were easy picks to replace land destruction cards. I've already got four Putrefy maindeck and Golgari Charm can be handy, killing off X/1s with ease, now that I'm effectively not running any of those.*
*Woodland Mimic will trigger and become a 4/5 before the Charm's -1/-1 effect happens.
Getting my ass handed to me by Jason's dragon deck was definitely a wake up call: my deck was so much lower to the ground and had land destruction but it didn't matter at all.
So: Let's play all the removal.
This decision lead to some really strong outings: flexible removal is not to be sniffed at! The most memorable sequence was when I pulled out a Golgari Charm against Noah's Faerie deck.
Turns out, giving a bunch of x/1 creatures -1/-1 is bad for them. I've now proven it with science.
I did lose the match-but this was more due to variance than anything else: I needed some removal spells, I got lands and creatures.
Which happens. Losses like this, though, can be about feel-and I felt like I was in the game, I just needed a couple cards to go my way.
With Slitherhead and Gleancrawler coming out, I had another vacancy and I decided I'd go big: three Vraska the Unseen. I even had a slot left over for Vraska, Relic Seeker so that took the last slot.
Vraska is an amazing catchall, though at its best, I don't have to pay five mana in order to destroy a permanent: the plus options on her are not amazing but the gravity that Planeswalkers have on any game is strong enough that nobody has been happy about seeing her except me.
I'm still unsatisfied with my final two spaces. Currently, I'm going to run Golgari Findbroker-which wins my award for 'most awkward name mashup in Guilds'. Apparently, 'Salvager' isn't fantasy enough? Resuscitator too obscure?
I just don't really like paying 4 mana for a 3/4. The ability isn't irrelevant but I can't say that I'm excited about it either. We shall see.
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