Thursday, February 7, 2019

Doom Song

Dirge vs RB demons
Spawn of Mayhem is legit. Now that Ravnica Allegiance is out, I can test the card and tell you so.

I know that's not a huge surprise to anyone who has actually read the card, but replacing Scourge of Numai with this has been a big deal. It's giving me more potential options on turn three that opponents don't want to see, a la Ogre Marauder.

That's been the upside (and a great one) but what I've noticed is that I'm frequently flooding out. There's a lot of mana there and the deck wants it for the two high end threats that can turn games in my favor.

Conversely, Dirge also performs best when I curve out, and it has a pretty solid set of turn 2 and 3 plays. A land has frequently been the item I sacrifice to Merciless Resolve, but honestly I think I need more removal. I'm reluctant to add in more Merciless Resolves because I still need resources to play my cards.

Minus one Polluted Mire and plus one Grasp of Darkness (something a new pal suggested to me) I felt that the extra removal spell helped, but it had the same problem that a lot of my removal did being so conditional. I went with a single Disembowel instead: it scales nicely, it's still an instant and if an opponent gets out a huge cheap creature to rival my own, I won't be hampered by the the way my other removal works.

For now I think I'm going to set Dirge down. It's doing what I hoped it would and is a little sharper than it was in the past, so I'll take that as a win. 

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