One chapter talks about 'Starting at the end'. Essentially: You find out what your goal is, then you work your way from there to lay out the path.
I find I have this issue with a lot of decks I build: I find a good card but I don't have a clear idea of how to get it to win. Even though I know what my end goal is (in most cases, reducing an opponent's life total to zero) I don't articulate it very well.
But thinking about that might help when I come across the problems I had last week, when I was looking for cards to fit in the high and low ends.
Before I had that realization though, I just went looking for cards that would do one of two things: First, give me more time. Planeswalkers need time to do what they're going to do.
Second, cards that would be useful off of a discard, since Jace activations meant discarding cards.
Here's what I came up with:
Obsessive Search for Brainstorm.
Lighthouse Chronologist for Lord of the Unreal.
Curator of Mysteries for Tezzeret.
I also came up with a name: The Eliminator, taken from the song by Maserati.
However, let me circle back; why did I need the cards that I need?
Because the end goal of The Eliminator is to use the abilities of the planeswalkers to create an overwhelming advantage of cards and creatures.
Obsessive Search draws a card and can be used for it's Madness cost to help mitigate any discard effects.
Lighthouse Chronologist meets the Hexdrinker rule; when I play it, opponents don't like that and if I can get to extra turns, that helps the planeswalkers create advantages.
Curator of Mysteries is a solid 4/4 threat with evasion and gives me a bonus scry whenever I have to discard. It's low end synergy but it is still synergy, along with a win condition.
So with a new name and some clarity of purpose, here we go!
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