On the top end, the sad truth is that Tezzeret, Artifice Master just doesn't do enough when it arrives.
There's an old rule coined I believe by Zvi Moshowitz, that any card that costs five mana or more has to have an immediate impact on the board. Tezzeret doesn't have that impact with either of the first two abilities. It really needs to be in a different deck.
So that's two cards on the top end that need to be replaced.
The other card I'm having trouble with is Brainstorm. Since I have a glut at 3 CMC, I need to focus on cards that allow me smoother early game plays. Unfortunately it's also pretty easy to cast Brainstorm and just have two dead draws coming up, especially on turn one.
This can be mitigated through the use of Jace's first ability and Opt but this isn't reliable or ideal.
Similarly, Lord of the Unreal is underperforming. Without the strong curve of cards like Phantasmal Bear to play on turn one, I think I need to look at something else.
I still like Krovikan Mist; as a flier that can get a boost from Jace's ability and Illusionary Servant, it seems useful whenever it shows up.
Still, I have been looking into other creatures-pirates and spirits have come up as creature types with synergy with each other.
Lords, that is: I mean there are lord effects for those types that might be useful. Of them, spirits are most likely to have some kind of evasion. However, none of them have the same kind of raw power/toughness values. However, they do offer Spectral Sailor, a really solid one drop that could replace Brainstorm.
There are also faeries and those have something to be said for them as well.
But the lord is at the three spot (as are the others) and that area is so cluttered!
Maybe I need to focus more on good stuff over synergies. I've got a decent start but it's still just a start.
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