(Ed. sorry I meant to mention I was going out of town and there would be no posts until the 31st. My bad.)
The card that stands out as being less helpful in Xnoybis is Rootgrapple. I understand why the card is there, since it can be cast for four, draws a card and has a positive interaction with Leaf-Crowned Elder. I knew a little bit about what I was doing when I made the deck!
However, it also slow. It doesn't protect my creatures and the Achilles' heel of Xnoybis has to be a removal spell on Timber Protector in response to an Armageddon.
There isn't much in the realm of Changeling spells to help though, with Crib Swap being a decent removal option but that's about it. There are a few Treefolk with graveyard interactions but the most appropriate one is Tilling Treefolk and that isn't a spell I want to cast until after I've played an Armageddon.
Except the whole point of Xnoybis is to not lose my lands after an Armageddon.
The reason I'm thinking about these four cards so much is because I'm trying to take my own advice. Frequently, when I see people asking for deckbulding help on Reddit, they lack one of two things: either interaction with their opponent, or ways to consistently do what they want to do.
Examples of the former could be cards like Counterspell, Crib Swap, or even Kogla, the Titan Ape. In the case of Xnoybis, I'd want to do something that deals with creatures because that's the most common victory axis. But, dealing with creatures could look like Blossoming Defense or Tamiyo's Safekeeping, where I protect my stuff in risky situations.
Examples of the latter would look like running four copies of Armageddon, Night's Whisper or Harmonize. In this case I would want something to help me dig deeper into the deck so that if by some chance my copies of Armageddon are all in the final 30 cards, I'd have a chance to find them.
Green and White are not known for their exceptional card drawing abilities but they do have some good interactive pieces. Since I'm already running copies of Swords to Plowshares, and I've already identified the big weakness here, I'd like to look for something to save my stuff.
The other card to consider axing is Dungrove Elder. It seems to do one thing but that's it and I'm not sure this deck needs an untargetable idiot. Since the first two turns don't have plays with massive impacts, having something happen on turn three that is important. Doran counts as such a thing-but what else might?
This is where some playtesting will be necessary and so that's next.