I got a spicy one for folks today. Appropriately, this one is named after a Godflesh song.
4 Timber Protector
4 Treefolk Harbinger
3 Leaf-Crowned Elder
4 Bosk Banneret
4 Unstoppable Ash
2 Doran, the Siege Tower
2 Dauntless Dourbark
3 Dungrove Elder4 Rootgrapple
3 Swords to Plowshares5 Plains
4 Murmuring Bosk
1 Temple Garden
1 Savannah
12 Forest4 Armageddon
Armageddon. There are probably fewer spells in Magic that are as iconic, polarizing and impactful in the game as Armageddon is.
I understand why modern design has stepped away from these kinds of cards: They often narrow, if not eliminating all meaningful gameplay decisions. Decks that run Armageddon are frequently reduced to "can I get Armageddon or not" and players going against these decks are reduced to "can I make enough meaningful decisions before Armageddon to win or not".
Neither of which are great for the long term health of the game.
One of the worst things I feel players can experience is having someone cast an Armageddon without any follow up. I've seen this in Commander, especially: Players drop a haymaker of a spell that doesn't end the game but instead results in everyone just twiddling their thumbs until a topdecked answer appears.
But, what if Armageddon wasn't symmetrical? What if I didn't have to wait for an answer; my answers are all on the table and ready to go, and their responses can only come from a dwindling set of resources?
Enter Timber Protector. I get it, Treefolk is not the most thrilling of tribes. The curve is wonky and top heavy, and there doesn't seem to be much of a theme beyond 'butts'.
Which this is a job for Doran, the Siege Tower. That means Xnoybis can play a subgame where my creatures are often in a position to do more damage than my opponent's, helping me accelerate into a win. This isn't even a new idea; for awhile there were Doran decks in Modern that could be pretty fast!
It's time to give this deck a tune up, so here I go.
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