Thursday, March 3, 2022


In three days, I put in nearly 24 hours into Elden Ring so you could say that I'm enjoying it. However, I'm also learning about the limits of playstyles.

I've been co-oping most of the dungeon fights with Jason and while we are having a pretty good time doing it, I'm underleveled compared to him. It took about a day before I figured out why but I've got it.

Jason likes to get his characters to god mode, and then dominate the game. 

I like to wander around and find all the things, which eventually improves me to the point where I'm incredibly knowledgeable about what to do. I don't want to lock in a path, especially early in a game. I want to mosey. 

These two things don't mesh well. 

I have seen some amazing sights and found weird stuff! But I've also gotten some accomplishments, too-because of Jason's suggestions. There's a great way for me to gain more runes to level up and it's been nice to use some of those shortcuts to make my exploration less punishing. 

It's definitely a call to enjoy what I want, but there's a way to make things engaging for the boss events too. Also, I hope my exploration can give him places to check out too!

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