I know I've been talking about what cards-especially anti-Blue cards-might fit into the Yes We Die shell or sideboard. I don't mind the obvious answers but just after I'd posed this question, I saw the Thraben U video putting a spotlight on Sheoldred, the Apocalypse.
I won't say that it was news to me that the card was good: the stats alone for Sheoldred make her formidable. I also knew from other decks I've built that making players take damage for drawing cards shouldn't be sniffed at. That it could be as punishing as it was, however, was a little eye opening.
And it fits in with what I'm doing very well. The incremental life gain is extending things to a point where I can combo off, the incremental life loss is shortening the game to where I don't have to.
There is, of course, one problem.
Sigh. I've said it before but holy crap are cards expensive.
It's $50 for a card that on day of release was going for close to $40 and now that it's out in the world, is just more expensive. The supply went UP and the cost also went up.
That ain't right. I don't know how the hell singles of new cards spike like this, but it is exhausting to have this game be so damned expensive.
Part of me just wants to throw in a 'what the heck' card. This is where God-Eternal Rhonas becomes seductive.
But I think I'll just go with a regular old Thragtusk for now.
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