Instant | Artifacts 1 Wayfarer's Bauble 1 Lightning Greaves 1 Orzhov Signet 1 Thought Vessel 1 Crystal Chimes 1 Orzhov Cluestone |
Enchantment 1 Phyrexian Reclamation 1 Seal of Cleansing 1 Banishing Light 1 Cage of Hands 1 Karmic Justice 1 Vow of Duty 1 Fallen Ideal 1 Seal of Doom 1 Vow of Malice 1 Aura of Silence 1 Grasp of Fate 1 Shielded by Faith 1 Phyrexian Arena 1 Underworld Connections 1 Daxos's Torment 1 Marshal's Anthem 1 Dictate of Heliod 1 Sigil of the Empty Throne 1 Necromancer's Covenant 1 Profane Procession/Tomb of the Dusk Rose 1 The Eldest Reborn 1 Call for Unity |
Sorcery 1 Ancient Craving 1 Gild 1 Dawn to Dusk 1 Righteous Confluence 1 Open the Vaults 1 Deadly Tempest 1 Death Grasp |
Lands 1 Barren Moor 1 Command Tower 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Ghost Quarter 1 New Benalia 1 Orzhov Basilica 1 Orzhov Guildgate 1 Rogue's Passage 1 Scoured Barrens 1 Secluded Steppe 1 Tainted Field 1 Temple of the False God 1 Terramorphic Expanse 1 Vivid Marsh 1 Vivid Meadow 11 Plains 13 Swamp
Creatures 1 Oreskos Explorer 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council 1 Underworld Coinsmith 1 Burnished Hart 1 Bastion Protector 1 Ghostblade Eidolon 1 Kor Sanctifiers 1 Monk Idealist 1 Mesa Enchantress 1 Nighthowler 1 Corpse Augur 1 Fate Unraveler 1 Ajani's Chosen 1 Doomwake Giant 1 Celestial Ancient 1 Celestial Archon 1 Herald of the Host 1 Banshee of the Dread Choir 1 Thief of Blood 1 Treasury Thrull 1 Sandstone Oracle 1 Silent Sentinel 1 Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts 1 Exquisite Archange
This is a blog about the Magic the Gathering decks I make, the games I play and the general thoughts I have about the game...and occasionally other stuff but hopefully only as it relates to play.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Commander: Daxos the Returned
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Not A Drill
I have liked what's been going on with War Ensemble so far, however I haven't gotten to see Braids in action! Two copies just isn't enough, I suppose.
So I've made a couple more tweaks.
-2 Night's Whisper (it hurt to cut this but I'm hoping the other sources of card draw will make up for it)
+1 Murder
+1 Braids, Arisen Nightmare
More card draw.
After these tweaks I was playing against Noah's zombies deck and in game one got wrecked.
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
I like Bloodborne, of course: It's a fantastic game.
But this video showing someone's process to make the iconic saw cleaver is incredibly cool.
Sure, gaming adjacent but still! Pretty neat.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
A little bit ago, I was teaching a friend how to play Mindbug, and I caught myself with a touch of exasperation.
A situation which seemed very obvious to me-reading the cards on the board, explaining the situation would provide an answer-had my friend stumbling. And I was trying to provide hints but not give the game away, if you will.
It wasn't working though. They were stuck.
The next day I realized that it was me who was the problem.
I've got, broadly speaking, two kinds of friends: gamer friends, non-gamer friends. And by this I really mean: people who are familiar with the lingo and mechanical elements of deeper games, and those who aren't. People who know what it means to 'tap a card' and people who have no idea why you'd use those terms-or why other games can't use that phrase and Magic can.
It's on me to be as encouraging as I can! To provide as much guidance as they want.
I was taught a certain way-to be given hints and then to mostly be left in the wild to figure it out. And sometimes I figure it out-but there are many, many. situations in my life where I hate having to figure it out on my own. I want help! All the help you can give me!
I could do better at recognizing those situations for my friends. Because when some of them, god love 'em, decide to indulge me in a game that they are unfamiliar with, I want them to have a good time! However, I don't think that I've been as enabling of that good time as I could be.
That makes me feel bad. I appreciate it when my non-gamer folks are willing to give it a go! I should do better at meeting them at whatever level they want, so they have a good experience.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Good Discussion
I liked this video on Blackness in Magic. Gave me some good stuff to think about and certainly pointed out some things I hadn't noticed before.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
A new trailer as been released for the Resident Evil 4 remake, along with some gameplay footage. I am...dubious.
For anyone who hasn't been playing videogames for awhile, Resident Evil 4 is not only one of the landmark games in the franchise, it's also one of the best videogames, period. After the remake was announced, I even went back to replay the original to see if it still holds up.
It does, but it isn't flawless. That's to be expected from a game that is 17 years old: Quick Time Events were the hotness back then and boy did they suck. They still do.
There are also some pacing issues with quests that have the player looping back to previous areas that feel like timesucks. RE4 is LONG and these tasks make it feel long.
However, these are pretty small hiccups in what is a lengthy, gleefully bonkers campaign. A remake of could certainly smooth the pacing issues out with little trouble.
RE4 is also campy and I don't believe we should forget that. This camp contributed to RE4's success, because as intense as it got-and it got extremely intense-it never felt burdensome. There were times when it felt outright silly!
Which was a good thing, because it helped keep things light and brisk, even when they were disturbing, eerie, or outright frightening. The player never had to endure any one thing for too long.
Which brings me to the things we've seen so far.
Everything is folk-horror shadowy, flickering lights that are sponged up by gloom, with a Leon that is very, very VERY serious. I don't know how the portrayal of the other characters will go-no doubt there will be changes for the better, like giving Ashley more personality than 'item to be rescued', and some that will be worse, most certainly everyone else.
Luis was inappropriate but still charming in the original. A ne'er-do-well to be sure but still trying to do the right thing. In the brief trailer clip, he looks like a Jake Gyllenhaal in one of his creepy villain roles and he sounds skeevy too.
The quick glimpse at the villains show a similar self-seriousness that is just worrisome.
Because games shouldn't be a slog, damnit. They should be fun! And RE4 was able to be a bit crazed because of the tone it set. Now I'm concerned that a healthy number of silly, funny, charming moments won't make the cut. Worse, we'll have those moments cut and be left with a Leon who is equally dour. They haven't showed much of his personality in the clips so far.
I hope I'm wrong. I would very much like to be wrong, and see a game that is as audacious in its remake as Final Fantasy 7 was. Some things that sucked, like QTEs have been replaced! There is a crossbow now and those are inherently dumb in a world with guns-but perhaps that's the point? I hope so!. Resident Evil 2RE was excellent and some of the same people are involved, and RE3RE was solid. So there's reason to hope...but maybe classics should be left alone.
And that would be relevant if we could always go back and just play the original Resident Evil 4, in the same way that we can always enjoy the classic versions of movies or books. But videogames really exist in a certain point in time and their preservation is a weakness, honestly*. So I suppose I'll just hope for the best.
*In the case of RE4, this is less of an issue since it's been released for multiple systems over many years, but this is an exception, not the rule.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Phyrexia: ONE Pre-release
A pre-release! I haven't been to one since at least 2019, and Red Castle Games was hosting one (with masking strongly encouraged-and most people wore one!) I felt like this might be a good time to get some of my mojo back. I went with a RW build that I list below, and here's how the matches went:
Rd 1 vs Peter
Game 1: I got some early removal with Hexgold Slash and Annex Sentry. Then my fliers came to clean up the rest.Game 2: I got land screwed and couldn't do much.
Game 3: Was a grindy match, but I was able to outlast him in the end. Whew!
Rd 2 vs Thom
Game 1: His turn one Venerated Rotpriest did some WORK. But I was able to stabilize and then cast Solphim, Mayhem Dominus and he conceded quickly after that.
Game 2: He cast White Sun’s Twilight for 7 = I die
Game 3: I was mana screwed and used my Annex Sentry early to bide me time. His next spell was Glissa Sunslayer, and I couldn't find an answer for that.
Rd 3 vs Steve
Game 1: I got mana flooded and couldn’t hang.
Game 2: I got a lot of early damage in with a Mandible Justicar, getting to 29 life-but once I lost my lifelink creature, he had an answer for my Basilica Shepherd. Then his fliers took over the game.
Here’s the deck:
2 Blazing Crescendo
2 Compleat Devotion
Charge of the MItes
2 Hexgold Slash
Hazardous Blast
Gleeful Demolition
The Eternal Wanderer
Infested Fleshcutter
Bladehold War-Whip
Kuldotha Cackler
Chimney Rabble
Axiom Engraver
Solphim Mayhem Dominus
Ichorplate Golem
Atraxa’s Sktterfang
Annex Sentry
2 Basilica Shepherd
Porcelain Zealot
Bladed Ambassador
If I had to do this over again, I’d cut the Infested Fleshcutter: I never had the time or mana to equip it and tokens that cannot block are not that useful, unless I can generate them every turn. As a matter of fact, I might’ve swapped white for green, and tried that instead because after the Fleshcutter, my options were...nothing, really.
But, I had a good time and played against very nice people! That works for me.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Phyrexia: All Will Be One review
As per usual, we have the set list here. The commander lists are here, but since there's only 16 new cards there, I leave it to the reader to evaluate those. Let's get going!
To begin with I want to say that I don't find Toxic to be a very compelling mechanic. For any creature with power greater than 1, the effect is almost always competing with regular damage as a win condition and this makes Toxic seem pointless. A 2/2 with Toxic 1 kills me at the same pace on both poison and damage axes.
The attempt to make Toxic relevant gets ugly for me with all the cards that provide a bonus if an opponent has three or more poison counters: if I'm able to attack for 8 damage in the air, why do I need poison to win me the game? If I'm able to get 3 poison counters on someone, how much work is it to get the last 7?
It all feels like it's at odds with each other. It also feels at odds with the set's story-this is the set where the Phyrexians have the upper hand. Poisoning the flesh is what they do-why isn't that easier?
The other mechanics-a new take on Living Weapons (For Mirrodin!) and Proliferate- are fine. Proliferate will make a lot of Commander players happy that's for sure, and it absolutely takes the sting out of playing Compleated Planeswalkers. Oil counters are a non-mechanic to me: there is nothing distinct about them to separate them from Experience counters or any other non-+1 counter. It's a thematic thing, nothing more.
The Phyrexians are kicking the hell out of everyone else, aren't they?
I'm already noticing a tension in this set, between using Oil counters, Poison counters and wanting artifacts to matter. There's a lot happening here and I can't help but wonder if there's just too much? Or maybe it's just right and it feels like a lot because of how it's manifest: Kemba, for example, cares about artifacts...but only equipment. Plated Onslaught outright has Affinity for Artifacts and is portrayed as a Phyrexian card.
I suppose that's what is troublesome to me: On the artifact planet, how do we really distinguish between our heroes and our villains? Mechanically, that is.
I like what Blade of Shared Souls is doing, and I expect someone to break Encroaching Mycosynth.
I hate Ichormoon Gauntlet. Mostly because I tire of the interactions of Planeswalkers and I don't think enough is done to keep the card type in check. Do we really need to give that card type the ability to boost itself for free?
Of the cards here, Drivnod, Carnage Dominus is the first "ooo, wait" card I've seen. Death triggers haven't gotten a lot of attention but here's something that, as far as I know, does something new in the game. That's interesting.
8/3s for five aren't usually great but if you can get an indestructible creature for 6 mana then that might be worth it. Plus, you can team Drivnod up with Vraan for fun times!
Huh. Looks like I was a little mistaken about Toxic; we have a creature that has a Toxic value equal to its power in Sheoldred's Headcleaver (what an awkward title!)
Here's another place where the set's tension clashes: Bladegraft Aspirant is a Phyrexian creature type but it cares about equipment, something I thought the Mirrodin faction cared about. That's why keyword the riff on Living Weapons "For Mirrodin!" is...for Mirrodin, right? Furnace Punisher is another: if the Phyrexians are all about corrupting oil that changes their enemies, why does Furnace Punisher want to see basic lands?
I do think Blazing Crescendo is one of the better pump spells we've seen in a long time. Very aggressive, allows for you to dig further and cheap: there isn't another spell that I can think of that comes at such a good rate.
Interestingly, Red is the only color that has no interaction with Poison counters at all! Blue has a couple and is pushing proliferate; Red has a couple proliferate cards but nothing mentioning Poison! I assume this is because of story reasons but it is still odd. In New Phyrexia, Blue/Black/Green were the poison colors. Here it seems to have slid into White/Black/Green (some Blue).
It's a dramatic shift for story purposes but I'm not sure that it flows well from what was established on New Phyrexia..
Interestingly, here is the place where Toxic gets a boost. But, the mana value on all the cards that use Toxic to end the game quickly are very high. Examples: Tyrannax Atrocity and Rex, and Paladin of Predation, Basically: Sure you might get to end the game in two attacks but also you just paid 7 for that and if you aren't in a position to win by then, that's on you.
None of this inspires confidence in me though. Players who have infect decks aren't going to benefit from any of this with the exception of Venerated Rotpriest.
It's fine, I suppose. The Limited environment will be happy and that is really the point.
I want to get this out of the way: No, I don't really like that Atraxa, Grand Unifier mentions a new card type that won't exist until March of Machines. This feels like the weakest form of hype: a way to get players to hyperfixate on a NEW THING WHAT COULD IT MEAN while ignoring that this card is just a wordvomit of abilities that are kind of insane. The original Atraxa is insane and this is even worse, since it effectively refills your hand on top of everything else.
Is that good design? I don't think so. It'll get people hyped though.
I am wary of Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler's design. They did this kind of thing a lot during War of the Spark and it gave us some of the most oppressive, unpleasant Planeswalkers to play against, ever. Same thing with Kaito and the Eternal Wanderer. Kaya is less of a problem because that mana cost is outrageous but I don't like that, either. All of these constant effects on Planeswalkers make me very suspicious and eat into design territory that I wish they did not.
Mirran Safehouse is some unusual card design! I don't know what we'll do with that yet but someone's going to break that card.
Still, if there's any point in the set that shows that the Phyrexians have won Mirrodin, here it is. Two Myr, the Prophetic Prism and the Sword of Hearth and Home are all that seem to be left of the plane. I don't even know if Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut is Phyrexian now.
Though as a complaint: Why is Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch only available in the Commander product? This character seems important!
I had to read Soulless Jailer several times and check the explanations for how it worked to understand how it works. If it wasn't an 0/4, I would even say that it has potential! There are better options to do what it does, but redundancy or availability for budget players are all good things.
Now it's always good to get a reprint of lands that are in demand. The reprints of rare lands from Scars of Mirrodin are more than welcome, and I hope that this continues. Fundamental game pieces shouldn't be expensive to acquire.
The spheres are a new thing for Magic and...I question their existence. Mostly because: what is the connective tissue that ties them together? Will they-or should they-exist on non-Phyrexian planes? The rare ones seem explicitly tied to Phyrexia via abilities (3 of the 4 mention Phyrexian related things the last artifacts), the commons via names. There's nothing wrong with that, unless of course one of these cards explodes, becomes necessary for a deck and now cannot be reprinted because Phyrexia isn't a place we can go anymore.
Or, with March of Machines, becomes the thing and spheres are all we're getting for the next year. Well, all we're getting from MoM. And hey, if that becomes 'the villains win but are thwarted for now' set, then cool.
But with the only other in-universe set we're getting this year being Wilds of Eldraine, followed up by The Lost Caverns of Ixalan in 2024 (I can see spheres here, maybe) I don't see this land type being expanded on for now.
They don't suck though!
So what do I think about all of this?
Well, I think it's ok, but with a caveat. I'll be interested in reading about why they made the choice to have Toxic instead of Infect as a mechanic, and certainly the design stories are ones I'll be looking for in the next few weeks: Phyexian mana, oil counters in Red but no poison, Spheres, and so many other choices made that I'm very curious about.
In the end though, this seems like an interesting set that wants to live inside itself and not do a lot of interaction with the external environment. There's a meaningful miss here: The Brothers' War or Dominaria could've had oil counters incorporated into it, for example. This kind of dripfeed could have been put in either of those sets (or both!) to help illustrate the rise of Phyrexia (DU) or the initial infection (BW). That's the caveat: this set feels very insular and its tendrils do not seem to reach into other sets.
At least, not yet.