Thursday, May 9, 2019

"What's Your Win Condition?"

Matt asked me this after a few games with the new setup.

"Well, Goblin Bombardment," I replied, "assuming I can't just overrun with tokens."

"Have you considered Kyren Negotiations?"

Well...damn. What a great idea! My creatures don't need haste for the Negotiations to be useful, and I've had a lot of success with this deck generating tokens so this just seems like a perfect fit. It's an awesome way to get extra mileage out of my tokens, especially when board stalemates arrive-and they always do.

The Negotiations paid off right away in a game against Matt and Caitlin. Saheeli, the Gifted's ultimate suddenly became a lot more powerful, allowing me the luxury to play patiently, using my creatures more strategically to block and still get damage in.

After that game, it was suggested that I add in Scrap Mastery or some other way to recur artifacts that had gone to my graveyard. Trash for Treasure and Daretti, Scrap Savant are possibilities, and of them, Daretti is the card I believe would push this deck over the top into a more competitive vein, as is Intruder Alarm, an idea that was also floated. This is a fun, goofy-ish token deck and I don't think I want to lock the boardstate down with Intruder Alarm; it creates unfun situations. Saheeli, the Gifted doesn't have an expedient way to close the game out once Intruder Alarm arrives so I'm shying away from it, but it's certainly an avenue for someone to use.

Another card that I'm looking to add is Saheeli, Sublime Artificer. It's a second copy of Efficient Construction with a potentially useful secondary ability but I'm mostly playing it to get more Servo tokens. My order for War of the Spark just arrived yesterday, so testing these final changes will happen soon.

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