Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wouldn't It Be Nice

Stone Meadows vs UB faeries

I really want to play Hindering Light. It draws a card and it protects my stuff.


Is it 'win more'? 

This is the problem I'm confronting after some games with Noah. I like Hindering Light. I want it to be there. It offers protection for Hushbringer and Tocali that is important to the deck.

I have had those creatures targeted with removal in response to casting a Hunted Phantasm. It's the obvious play against a deck like this and I should have a way to defuse it, because that scenario ends badly for me.

But would I just be better off drawing more cards? I have twelve copies of Hushbringer style effects, maybe I'd just be better off letting them have their kill spell, playing the next copy and continuing to push my gameplan.

The other question I'm starting to ask if I wouldn't improve the deck by adding Black. Clackbridge Troll and Hunted Horror are incredibly efficient creatures and access to better removal isn't nothin'. On the other hand, the manabase becomes very wonky if I do this.  

A great deal feels unknown about this deck right now. I'd obviously prefer to have more copies of Phyrexian Dreadnought but...there are more important things to spend money on than $270 to get me to four copies of that. Plus, it pushes me to innovate this deck into something better.

Is that better thing a WUB deck? 

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