Thursday, August 11, 2022

Early Skulls


Skullbriar vs Tuvasa
One thing I like about Skullbriar is that it has an early game; a turn two Skullbriar is pretty common and gets the game going early. If Skullbriar grows to a 3/3 or 4/4, then not only does it have a legitimate chance to end the game on its own, it is a threat that isn't easy to remove or block!

Sure, Skullbriar often eats a removal spell early too but now that's one less thing they have to deal with my other creatures. 

The deck does seem to rely on haymakers to do it's thing; Pathbreaker Ibex, Mycoloth, that sort of card that can really change everyone's combat math.

That might be something to keep in mind as testing goes forward-either needing more mid-range cards to get me where I need to be, or ways to protect my heavy hitters so that I can get my attacks in. In this regard, it might be better to swap out Necropolis Regent for Drana, Liberator of Malakir, for example. 

There's also a question about removal and how much of it will be needed. Adding Pernicious Deed to the deck was a smart choice but do I have enough effects there to keep me in the game?

All things to work on. 

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