Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Time and Value

 Jason and I were talking Marvel Snap last night and he was telling me about how difficult it was to climb the ladder to get to rank 100 (or Infinite). 

"I saw a couple videos on Twitch," he lamented, "guy was all 'OK here we go, rank 96 to infinite' and the video was five hours."

Five hours!!!

The reason for this is because people get very aggressive and very defensive at this point. Anyone raises the ante for any reason and the opponent backs out. If you can't win it all lose as little as possible, seems to be the principle. In the meantime, Jason is talking about how difficult it is to grind to get to level 100.

"Man, what do you get at Infinite, though?" I asked, rhetorically. "You get a card back. Who cares! Instead of trying to build the deck that will win you that rank, just say fuck it and have fun."

I could almost hear the lightbulb go off.

I mention this because as a free-to-play game, Jason was the person who convinced me to actually put money down. In an earlier discussion we were having about the game, he said to me:

"I'm having $10 worth of fun, easily, dude. Take my money. You've earned it."

Huh. I also am having $10 worth of fun. It isn't that big a hit to pay for it every month and I personally believe in offering people money for their work.

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