Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Retired: Super-Charger Heaven

 Named after the White Zombie banger, we have:

4 Wonder

4 Oath of Scholars
4 Zombie Infestation

4 Boomerang
3 Counterspell
4 Circular Logic
4 Aether Burst

1 Underground River
6 Island
3 Dimir Aqueduct
5 Swamp
4 Fetid Pools
4 Sunken Hollow

2 Upheaval
3 Infest
1 Decree of Pain
4 Crippling Fatigue

So what's up here? Well, the goal is to use Zombie Infestation to ensure that my hand size is always smaller than my opponent's. That way, Oath of Scholars always triggers, ensuring that I have more cards to pitch to Zombie Infestation. 

Then big brain play is to have 8 mana available, cast Upheaval, then Zombie Infestation, then pitch the hand for all the zombies, and win. And if that doesn't happen, there's always making flying zombies with Wonder

The problems were: 1) there was no ramp, so getting to 8 mana meant waiting 8 turns (Dimir Aqueduct aside). 2) I don't have any other sources of card draw aside from the Oath, so the deck is extremely reactionary, without a way to filter through my cards to get what I want or need to get out of a pickle. 

Because either I've got Oath/Infestation out and I'm winning. Or I don't and now I need 8 mana to get to what I need. This is not going to be a successful deck. Plus, since I need to discard my answers to stay in the game, and cards like Crippling Fatigue, while useful still put pressure on my life total.

So you're getting retired; maybe this combo can be useful in a different deck, and maybe it's worth salvaging at a future date! But for now, going to put Super-Charger Heaven away.

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