Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Retired: 99 Problems

I know I haven't written about this deck yet, but I was doing some research on the "Moggwarts" deck, trying to take it from its Pauper combo state to a more powerful one and was stuck here:

99 Problems

4 Skirk Prospector
2 Goblin Matron
2 Murderous Redcap
3 Putrid Goblin
1 Pashalik Mons
2 Munitions Expert
2 Sling-Gang Lieutenant

4 Cathartic Pyre
4 First Day of Class
3 Poison the Cup

4 Foreboding Ruins
4 Canyon Slough
5 Swamp
9 Mountain

3 Night's Whisper
4 Duress
4 Unearth


SB: 4 Overmaster

Two Goblin Decks I gotta smoosh into one

Except...I have a deck that uses Goblin tribal in a silly way. When I realized this, I began to really look at the two decks and see if I could combine them to do an aggressive thing with a combo finish. Why not, right? If most of the time I'm just attacking for silly amounts of damage, that's fine! But if things stall out then screw it, go all in on a combo finish.

However, what Bonecrusher really wants to do is flood the board with goblins and goblin tokens to activate Skirk Fire Marshal, hopefully with a Mogg Fanatic out.

99 Problems on the other hand is wanting to make sure a First Day of Class is cast with a sac outlet and a Persist creature of some sort, to generate infinite damage or mana. The direction I was taking it was to try and draw as many cards as I could in order to do the combo consistently and quickly. 

These premises don't jibe together.

The other thing I noticed about Bonecrusher is that IT isn't even consistently doing what I want. Making a bunch of goblin tokens is not what a card like Goblin Ringleader is for. 

My dilemma is that I think using Skirk Fire Marshal is a funnier way to win a game, but the combo engine of 99 Problems is a proven quantity. 

One other issue is that there are more goblins and generators in Black than White. Keeping Bonecrusher as a R/W deck is probably not the way to go. White gives me some excellent removal and the ability to activate SFM at any life total, if I have an Angel's Grace. But the synergies in Black are really too good to gloss over.

So I'm just gonna smoosh these together-against what is probably the better judgement of everyone-and see what happens. 

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