Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Fruit Is Ripe Now

Sometimes, Magic decks are absurd. This Bad Check... is one of those decks.

I believe that part of this stems from the fact that this deck doesn't have the volume of decision points that most Storm-based decks do. Those decks want to sculpt a hand as quickly as possible using cheap cantrips. 

This Bad Check... wants to try and land permanents every turn, multiple permanents if possible, and then on turn three or four, have a cascade spell in hand. 

But I need to do that without the cheap cantrips. The logical conclusion is that the payoff needs to be worth it. Of course, as this deck is somewhat established already, clearly the payoff is worth it. 

Goldfishing taught me something else though: This Bad Check is Gonna Stick also wants to chain things together, not unlike a Storm deck might, using Goblin Dark-Dwellers. To that end, I think running four copies instead of three is best. If nothing else, you get a 4/4 that's difficult to block but in this deck, I believe that maximizing the opportunity to reuse a Violent Outburst (if necessary) or a Glimpse of Tomorrow (hopefully) and build off my chain is critical. 

So far, against non-counterspell decks, I've been doing alright! I've been able to generate a remarkable amount of pressure off Glimpse floops because many decks are not ready to handle such a shift in the board state. Usually this means 3-4 lands and 2 creatures with 4 tokens to anything from four hasted 5/5s, to four hasted 3/3s with vigilance and trample along with a 7/7. 

I hesitate to think about what happens when Noah is able to sit on a Force of Will in his hand, for example, but here's where I think savvy play will matter. Between the Wavesifter and Tireless Provisioner's tokens, knowing when to utilize them will probably be very important. I view the lifegain from Food tokens to basically be equal to one card, but sometimes I'll have an End-Raze Forerunners in hand and after a couple flips and mana generation, I can outright cast it. That's pretty cool, too.

So far, so good! Or at least, it's interesting which is also good.

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