I was testing this deck at the same time Fuz was testing his new Pride of Hull Clade deck.
This is a blog about the Magic the Gathering decks I make, the games I play and the general thoughts I have about the game...and occasionally other stuff but hopefully only as it relates to play.

Thursday, February 29, 2024
Everybody Hates The World In A Special Way
I was testing this deck at the same time Fuz was testing his new Pride of Hull Clade deck.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
It Sucks To Suck
The name took me longer than I thought it would, but eventually I was hooked by this masterpiece from the latest Striker album.
3 Currency Converter
4 Mox Diamond
3 Hazoret the Fervent
4 Fury
4 Stalactite Stalker
2 Rix Maadi Reveler
3 Troll of Khazad-dûm
3 Blood Scrivener
3 Avatar of Discord
4 Animate Dead
1 Seal of Fire
3 Dangerous Wager
8 Swamp
8 Mountain
4 Raucous Theater
3 Molten Collapse
So what's up with this? Why is it so different from the first list?
My first discovery was that Grief was in a BW deck and I wanted to keep it there. Similarly, Resurrection is elsewhere and the next cheapest thing was Animate Dead. But as options go, that isn't bad!
The Blood Scrivener has been a nice card. It isn't perfect, but as a solid turn two drop that then helps feed me do what this deck wants to do, I'm pleased with it so far.
Avatar of Discord is there because at the last time of writing, I didn't have Carnage Interpreters. Apparently that card gets released tomorrow and I have no idea if it's good. It seems good but so does a 5/3 flier on turn 2, which is something this deck can do.
Molten Collapse doesn't have an excuse. That card should almost certainly be Terminate or Kolaghan's Command. Bedevil might also fit, and I probably have copies of all of these cards somewhere.
While searching Moxfield.com for ideas, I saw someone using Seal of Fire to contribute to their Stalkers and I thought one wouldn't be a bad idea.
So that's why I'm with this list for now and I'm looking forward to seeing how it does!
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
No, I am not going to start playing this deck-yet. It's a protoype too, and I want to actually finish what I start. For now, this means the RB deck, and that deck needs possibly two things:
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Helldivers II First Impressions
I've put nearly nearly 14 hours into Helldivers II now and here's what I think:
They launched the game too soon.
There's good stuff here; solid game loop (kill aliens, accomplish objectives, get out before time runs out), a fantastic vibe clearly leaning into Starship Troopers except taken up a notch (we are the bad guys, folks), and a progression system that has players feeling like they are a small part of a giant collective, contributing to the war effort.
So it's a real bummer that crossplay has had so many crashes. That the tutorial left me feeling like I didn't know nearly enough to play-and I was right. I fumbled and often messed up how things worked. That the chat audio frequently lead to feedback issues.
Most damning for me, though, are the controls. They feel too lose: I don't reload a weapon when I feel like I should, and this game lives and dies on being able to reload your gun. I don't swap weapons like I should: I have tried to swap from a gun to a grenade and back multiple times and been frustrated that I hadn't and the game is terrible about letting me know what I'm currently armed with. Clicking the button to run doesn't happen sometimes and that's bad.
These are fixable things. But they should've been locked in on day one. I'm willing to give Helldivers a chance because there's already been a patch for a game that launched on Friday and there is always a learning curve to a game. If I threw it out just because I wasn't instantly having a good time, then I'd probably never play Magic again.
There's also some interesting design at work: the game utilizes the d-pad more than any modern game I've played. But this creates a tension when I need to move and use the d-pad, since I only have one thumb, like most humans. My buddy's solution was to reach over with his right thumb to keep his character moving and use the d-pad with his left.
This is...not ideal. It is awkward as fuck. It's a design choice that was likely made for people with mouse and keyboard setups, and without consideration to those with handheld controllers. OR, it is a deliberate choice the game has made to make a specific kind of gameplay. The tension of punching in the d-pad while hordes descend on you is a choice to make.
In my experience it isn't a good choice and it might be the thing that breaks the game for me. If my options are try to call in support and just getting my ass kicked, or do this awkward movement with my hand every time just to play the basic game, how is that a good choice?
Still; it's just entertaining enough that I'm sticking with it, at least for now. But heads up: they hype is overdone.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
I got struck with a couple ideas last weekend.
A G/W spells deck, and a R/B Raven Man deck.
I've been trying to make The Raven Man a thing for awhile and it just isn't coming together. I tried it in Sabotage, and I just don't like it there. Sabotage is as deck that is almost there and The Raven Man just isn't the deck to push it over the edge.
The G/W spells deck is a bit more straightforward:
4 Mavinda, Students' Advocate
4 Phalanx Leader
4 Dragonsguard Elite
4 Leonin Lightscribe
4 Mutagenic Growth
4 Defiant Strike
4 Path to Exile
3 Charge Through
3 Legolas's Quick Reflexes
1 Swords to Plowshares
1 Warriors' Lesson
2 Grand Crescendo
5 Forest
8 Plains
4 Temple Garden
2 Sunpetal Grove
3 Faerie Guidemother // Gift of the Fae
SB: 2 Verdant Command
SB: 2 Recruit the Worthy
SB: 2 Grand Crescendo
SB: 2 Abeyance
The idea: use Mavinda, Students' Advocate to replay cards buffing Phalanx Leader, Dragonsguard Elite, and Leonin Lightscribe and win with big creatures. A little like a GW storm deck, if you will.
The R/B deck looked a little like this
3 Currency Converter
4 Mox Diamond
4 The Raven Man
3 Hazoret the Fervent
4 Fury
4 Stalactite Stalker
2 Rix Maadi Reveler
3 Troll of Khazad-dûm
4 Grief
4 Reanimate
3 Dangerous Wager
3 Terminate
8 Swamp
8 Mountain
4 Raucous Theater
I wanted to use The Raven Man to make tokens, and I thought that if I coupled it with Stalactite Stalker to ensure that I'd be able to benefit from other cards emptying my hand. Fury and Grief both empty my hand, and Reanimate is a known package with those cards and Troll of Khazad-dum.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Calcium Powder
Getting back to Bonecrusher to wrap that up.
At some point, I have to admit I'm being contrary for the purpose of being contrary. And why be like that? I'm tired of just putting in cards that are cool without having much of a plan for them.
And Wizards has spoken: Goblins is meant to be a R/b deck. If you're gonna branch out, Black is your support color, not White. Why am I fighting this?
3 Goblin Lackey
3 Goblin Matron
3 Goblin Ringleader
2 Warren Instigator
3 Goblin Chieftain
3 Putrid Goblin
3 Murderous Redcap
4 Skirk Prospector
1 Sling-Gang Lieutenant
1 Pashalik Mons
2 Munitions Expert
2 Goblin King
4 First Day of Class
4 Sheoldred's Edict12 Mountain
6 Swamp
4 Foreboding Ruins
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
MKM Pre-Release (2-1)
Round 1 Vs Milo & Vin
Got out to a fast start with a Frantic Scapegoat and Snarling Gorehoud, but some key Reasonable Doubts kept Rebecca’s stuff of the table. They put a Topiary Panther out and we held off on dealing with it because I had thopters, and Rebeca was bound to topdeck something else. Instead, she drew three lands in a row and by the time we were able to stabilize our side of the board, we were down to six life, just like them. The final blow was countering a Cornered Crook once they had solved The Case of the Gateway Express. We almost got there...
Round 2 Vs Daniel & Joe
After the turn four No Witnesses board sweep I thought we were in trouble: Rebecca lost one creature, but I lost three. Fortunately, I was able to make two Clue tokens off that, which kept me in cards. Then Rebecca followed up with a Vein Ripper, and I used my clues to generate more creatures. This was critical, because they were using Warleader's Call to ping us for two, every time Daniel cast a creature. Plus, they were able to use Makeshift Binding to keep our early pressure off. Fortunately, the Vein Ripper did what it was supposed to do: completely wreck a game. Killing creatures came with the punishment of a four point life swing each time, and 6 damage in the air per turn did them in after that.
Round 3 Vs Alex and Nick
The game started fairly evenly, until Rebecca used Analyze the Pollen on turn 3 to get the Vein Ripper, and we put massive pressure on them after that. I kept the smaller beats going with the low key help of Gleaming Geardrake and a well timed Felonious Rage, but make no mistake about it; once the Vein Ripper arrived, they were on a clock and they just couldn't quite get there.
In the end, we came in fourth overall and our only loss was to the team that won the entire event. That feels pretty good!
The GB deck:
Kraul WHipcracker
Nix Weaver
Urgent Necropsy
Topiary Panther
Rubbelbelt Mavrick
Pompous Gadabout
Analyze the Pollen
Tunnel Tipster
Axebane Ferox
Sample Collector
Vitu-Ghazi Inspector
Nervous Gardener
Hunted Bonebrute
Repeat Offender
Unscrupulous Agent
Nightdfrinker Moroii
Extract a Confession
Snarling Gorehound
Toxin Analysis
Undercity Eliminator
Murder 2
Vein Ripper
The UR deck
Gadget Technician
Gleaming Geardrake
Case of the Burning Masks
Garbage Orangutan
Person of Interest
Suspicious Detonation
Frantic Scapegoat
Torch the Witness
Bolrac-Clan Basher
Crime Novelist
Innocent Bystander
Vengeful Tracker
Harried Dronesmith
Shock 2
Corners Crook
Reckless Detective
Felonious Rage
Hotshot Investigators
Burden of Proof
Steamcore Scholar
Dramatic Accusation
Cold Case Cracker
Escape Tunnel 2
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Murders at Markov Manor Review
Whoooooo let's get to it! The official gallery is here (though I still think it's cluttered and the fact that an "Available In" button is needed confirms what a mess Magic product is like these days) but for those of you who would like a cleaner layout, I've got you covered. Twice even.
This set is interesting to me and it might be because MKM is the first set where I've noticed how damn many mechanics are being stuffed into sets now. Yes, the base mechanics are there and more prominent but WotC is clearly not worried about using any mechanic they want at higher rarities.
And while I understand why, I sympathize for any newer player trying to get a grip on things. Magic sets are always stuffed with information and I wonder when they'll hit a saturation point. Clearly, they think they haven't hit it yet. Let's dig in.
I appreciate the way they have upgraded Morph with Disguise and Cloak. Vanilla 2/2s for three mana were never amazing, and getting a chance to play with the toys you bring to the game is important. Good job.
Investigate is a solid limited mechanic, a proven contender and thematically great with this set.
Collect Evidence, I'm realizing, is fixing Delve. Took me long enough! Hopefully this will allow for strong but not broken cards, instead of Delve's "this is trash" vs "this destroys games" power variance. A little wait and see here but positive curiosity.
Finally, Cases, which I find to be worded very awkwardly. It's the reminder text, honestly, that is throwing me. That they want the solution to trigger at the end step makes sense for a couple reasons: first, thematically that perfect and second, controlling when the resolution can happen allows them to make powerful cards that don't ruin the game. However, something about the way the reminder text goes throws me off; do I have to solve the case if I can? Once it's solved does it stay solved (it does, according to the article but that isn't intuitive for me). Since Cases don't automatically get sacrificed like Sagas do, there's a bit of memory upkeep. A minor thing but still a thing.
It's still interesting and I'm really glad to see WotC use enchantments in unique ways that other card types just won't support. Now let's talk colors.
There might be a deck to build around 2/x creatures. White has always had a subtheme here but with Disguise and Detective themes, there might be an interesting skeleton, starting with Delany, Streetwise Lookout and Assemble the Players.
Not much else catching my eye here.
I appreciate the opportunity that a card like Behind the Mask offers, since it can be aggressive early but defensive later. Similarly, Burden of Proof give both a Blue player or a detective oriented deck some room.
Coveted Falcon is a very weird creature; I suppose there's a high risk, high reward potential but the list of things to Donate is slim. Still, there's the card for the combo players, right?
Here's where I start to realize that mana is going to be a very important resource during MKM Limited matches. There are quite a few mana hungry cards in the set and it's going to be wise to be judicious about mana use and timing.
The Blue cards here could be incredible tempo swings, returning permanents to hand.
So far, Black has my favorite art from the set: Unscrupulous Agent, Outrageous Robbery, Macabre Reconstruction, Long Goodbye, Toxin Analysis (the flavor text helps with that one too!). A whole lot I enjoy!
I appreciate the choice that Barbed Servitor offers the opponent; that should make for some interesting matchups. But the rest of the color seems fine.
I wonder if the artist for Concealed Weapon knows what the word 'concealed' means.
There is a combo deck involving Crime Novelist, I just don't know what it is yet. But I already know there are infinite sacrifice outlets; so there must be a benefit for generating infinite red mana. A ready-made partner is the new Krenko.
Speaking of, Krenko's Buzzcrusher is giving me more of that nonbasic land hate I love. Keep it coming.
Vengeful Tracker could be an all star in Limited. Whoa. It might even be a neat counter to Goblin Bombardiers for a turn.
Jeeze Analyze the Pollen is expensive for what it does. A card for Commander, I suppose. Speaking of: Pride of Hull Clade seems to be that kind of silly fun.
Will Slime Against Humanity finally let us make the kindred ooze deck we've been thinking about for decades? What? Just me?
Typically, Ravnica sets are where multicolored cards are meant to shine. There's some interesting, powerful cards, for sure. What interests me though is the split cards playing out in wedge colors; I wonder if the next set will be a three color wedge set, a la Khans. It's been awhile since a three color set joined the fray and these cards might help bridge some gaps.
Artifacts and Lands
Not much in the way of artifacts here; Cryptex seems especially terrible but the rest are fine. The Surveil lands-which don't have a nickname yet that I know of-are quite good. I was someone who downplayed the Temples from Theros back in the day, only to play with the cards and find out they were very good at what they were doing.
These have basic land types and allow for players to add to the graveyard. That makes them significantly better and without any other drawbacks that I am aware of. If you're not sure about them, I say get them.
My feelings about Murders at Markov Manor as a set are that: this seems like a pretty neat Limited set, but an underwhelming constructed one. I could be wrong; with ward 2, it could be that Disguise becomes strong enough for constructed decks. But as a limited set, I think it'll be fun!