Thursday, May 9, 2024

Harder Than It Looks

Seniors standing for applause at their last home game

This is a picture of my nephew with other members of his baseball team, on their last home game as high school seniors. I haven't gotten to see him play often but getting to watch two games of baseball last week I was struck by a couple things. 

First; I should admit that I'm not a big fan of baseball. As a result, the games that I've seen have generally been on TV, played by professionals. My impression of the game is shaped by that. 

So watching high schoolers play baseball is a very different game. Plays that are all but taken for granted in the pros are things that these kids are still wrestling with. It wasn't for lack of hustle or a desire to play their best-shit just happens that they aren't experienced enough to be prepared for. I watched the games: they were all out there doing their best. 

But, it also reminded me of something Caitlin said to our group a few months ago, about how our playgroup played very well for the time we put into Magic. 

Right. If I wanted to, I could probably be much, much better at Magic than I am. I have the resources, but what I have decided is that my time should go elsewhere. Magic-most games really-are part of how I extend my friendships and spend time with people I care about. 

These kids have lives they're trying to manage too. Some of them may go on to the next level of play-and that's great! But it will take a dedication to the craft that most people aren't willing to put in because they have other things they want to do.

And that's ok too! There is nothing wrong with just playing games for fun and this was an excellent reminder that this IS why I play a game. Hopefully, that's why they keep playing, too.

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