Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tales from the Radlands

 While I was away, I got to play a LOT of Radlands

This was a game that I'd owned for a long time but just hadn't found a way to bring it to the table.

Boy, I'm glad I got a chance to do that! I had a great time playing  Radlands all weekend with my friend Sara-and she did too.

The gameplay is deceptively simple, and Radlands gets a lot of mileage out of a small box of cards and chits. 

That said, if you're interested in the game, I have found the playmats that come with the deluxe version to be incredibly helpful both in playing the game and in learning it. The game functions perfectly well without them, but the playmat is both colorful and well designed to help players figure out what to do.

I can't wait to play more of it & I hope I get to teach someone else how to play!

Update: I did get to teach someone else how to play! And my supposition that the playmats would be helpful was borne out well. This is a very solid, fun game to play that manages to do a lot with not very much in the way of fiddly bits. 

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