Thursday, July 11, 2024

Infectious Darkness

I don't know about you but I can't understand the lyrics for Blackened Disease, so I'm just going to find synonyms. 

Blackened Disease vs GW +1 counters
Now I've been on a very big R/B kick, it's pretty clear. Probably going back nearly a year, when I wanted to do the Orcish Bowmasters/Burning Inquiry combo. I still love that deck, even though it doesn't quite come together as well as I would like. Still, that color combo has been the thing for me if anyone is wondering why I'm into this meme of a deck.

It is fun, I can't deny it. But it's definitely using some of the spaces needed to make the deck work like Illness in the Ranks, for cards that would be better in the game overall. There just aren't a ton of token decks to worry about, right?

And then there's the addition of Blue. Should it be there at all? 

The first test went...badly. Fuz was playing a GW deck and it just chewed through this deck. But he liked the engine of this deck so was happy to give me some suggestions. Many of those I'll be incorporating as soon as I can. Then we looked at the deck, big picture style.

One of the first problems I noticed was the manabase. This deck is a heavy Black one, and cards like Hero's Downfall need BB to get going. Well only 50% of the deck produces Black mana, in a deck that has 72% black cards!

There's a couple ways to take pressure off-running Go for the Throat was a suggestion. There was also the notion of removing Blue entirely and I really don't want to get rid of Lat-Nam's Legacy buuuuut there's a strong argument for that. 

First thing's first though: I need to fix the manabase so it properly reflects the colors it needs.

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