Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Quickmix vs W/x lifegain

Because I have to deal with unusual decks, sometimes testing results are as illuminating as I would like. 

For example: I got multiple games with Quickmix in over the weekend and the decks I played against were speed mill decks and W/x lifegain decks. 

Not your standard fare, but also how can I end up playing four different games with two different opponents and still play similar themes??

The larger point, though, is that against lifegain decks, an aggressive strategy like this one just folds. I had one opponent down to 4 life and the win next turn, but when they gave lifelink to all their creatures and gained 9 that was it: I couldn't generate enough momentum to finish. 

That is a frustrating thing, especially since my early game felt so good. I was getting a lot of damage in quickly and things were setting up well. The early game strength has been repeated in multiple games.

The problem came against Ruin Crab, of all things. My removal only does 2 damage and I couldn't interact well with my opponent's stuff.

Usually I don't want to-and perhaps I should've been playing more aggressively as a result. However, Ruin Crab is the symptom, the symbol of a card that I can't quite get around, but an aggressive deck like this needs to. 

This is the kind of thing that makes Sideboards a real boon. Leyline of Combustion could make the Hedron Crab target a problem-along with any other mill spells, and Leyline of Punishment good for the lifegain decks. Although Skullcrack might be better, since it is more proactive. 

As an aside; I dig on what Leyline of Combustion is doing. That's the sort of card I would like to maindeck. 

I believe I'll be finished with Quickmix soon. I'd put this at a B-B+ tier, and needs just a little something to get it over the top. That something will come eventually, it's only a matter of time.

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