Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Pour

Quickmix vs BR Daretti

Time to talk about the changes made:

The addition of four Prismari Apprentice gives me the chance to make another unblockable creature. It's not optimized, as I don't have any instants or sorceries over 3 mana but it still rewards me for playing my spells aggressively. As a two drop, that means that I can play it the turn after a Riverfall Mimic and possibly enchant it with Clout of the Dominus, allowing me to attack for 7, three of which is unblockable, four is untargetable. 

That's pretty solid for a turn 3 sequence. Even if that doesn't happen, I can play the Apprentice (or Mimic) and on turn three Expressive Iteration to both create an unblockable attacker and churn through the deck. 

The hole at the four mana spot is a pretty big problem. It took some digging before I was able to find some cards that I felt might fit in, and at first I was trying Protean Raider. There was just too much stuff at the three value spot though. In addition, the Raider wants me to attack first in order to get the trigger and Quickmix doesn't want to order turns that way. 

So I went to the four mana spot and found Ral Zarek and Elemental Expressionist. 

Ral lets me play the Planeswalker game, which is the shittiest subgame in Magic but alas, one of the most powerful ones. And the updated text on Ral says that the middle ability does three damage to any target, which is very useful. 

Elemental Expressionist is the beefiest creature for four mana that I could find in U/R. Is it good? No idea. Is it a 4/4 for four that might have useful text? Yes. 

I cut the Crag Pucas for these cards as well as two lands. I'm hoping that isn't a risky move: twenty three lands is solid but there are cards at the five and six slots. Since the Liege is meant to be my haymaker win card, I want to be able to play it on turn six if it's in my hand. The card draw in Quickmix ought to smooth those draws out to ensure that I have mana, but I do acknowledge the risk.

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