Thursday, May 14, 2020

As I Say

I'm fairly sure that 'irony' doesn't apply here but it's certainly something that the day I make the statement
"Now, the upside is that the flip economy is concentrated mostly on Starscream. The level of complication is kept to a minimum but that doesn't mean I can let my attention lapse,"
I do just that.

In two of the three games I played with Jason, I skipped a transform with Starscream and in at least one of those two games, it would have changed the outcome from a loss to a win. The third game I can't be assured of a win, but missing three damage is a big deal.

Part of it is about practice; Both with the deck and with the pause, to make sure I'm taking one last consideration before acting. It takes a little practice because I've been Magic for so long that I'm used to being able to take actions after an attack, because you can still take actions after you do so.

In Transformers, once you attack, your turn is over. Which means that in Magic the strategy is that you want to hold everything back until the last moment-including, potentially your opponent's turn. In Transformers you want to stage everything correctly before an attack, trying to project which attacks will be the most effective, because you're locked in once that happens.

It's a long way of saying: I am making a habitual mistake carried over from another game entirely.

Better keep practicing.

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