After a few games this weekend, Jason gave me a few suggestions. We had a long chat about this, because balancing the tension between the cards and the pip requirements is a challenge. The green cards don't add to anything Starscream does but I need them to keep the ASP in business.
Jason pointed out how much damage I was getting off of Starscream's flips, in one game getting six damage from flips alone and suggested Rapid Conversion and Escape Route.
Rapid Conversion seems less useful: I really only want to funnel my transformations into Starscream and there's no way to reliably ensure that I'll draw it. Escape Route, as a one of though? That I can get behind. So long as I have an active Starscream it's likely useful and when I don't, it's a white and green pip to add to the Air Strike Patrol attacks or defense. It has the potential to do a lot of work in this deck and maybe even worth adding a second?
I'm so used to just adding in three copies of any effect that I need that trying to come up with the best configuration is a challenge. What's become very clear, however, is that adding 3x cards with green pips is not always going to be correct. In the case of Espionage, sure, because the build of the deck is going to skew towards use of discard effects, either via Major Shockwave or other battle cards.
But that isn't necessarily true of Enforcement Batons or Bashing Shield and that's the stage I'm at right now.
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