Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Retired: 16 Tons


4 Trinisphere
4 Keldon Vandals
3 Nezumi Graverobber
4 Pardic Miner
2 Phyrexian Plaguelord
4 Tarox Bladewing
2 Trench Wurm
3 Twisted Abomination
3 Withered Wretch
2 Magma Phoenix
4 Oath of Ghouls
3 Urza's Rage
8 Mountain
6 Swamp
4 Blood Crypt
4 Foreboding Ruins

So the premise here was to use Oath of Ghouls to recur tools like Pardic Miner, Keldon Vandals and Twisted Abomination. Trinisphere stalls because lands can't be played.

Get lands, stall out, blow shit up. Repeat. 

Use Nezumi Graverobber to keep my opponent from utilizing Oath of Ghouls and maybe even take advantage of Nighteye's ability. 

So what's the problem? 

First; payoff cards. Urza's Rage is probably the most splashy one and it's not very good here. I have 22 lands and to play Urza's Rage with kicker would require over half of them to be in play. This deck isn't that grindy nor that controlling. It basically does the thing I hate the most: tries to lock people out of the game without actually having a win condition. 

Sure, there are creatures to attack with but you may note, those creatures aren't very good. 

Second: anti-synergies or missed opportunities. Keldon Vandals is great if you have a target or zero targets. But if there is only one target and that target is Trinisphere then I have a dead card in hand. There is the possibility for some sacrifice shenanigans with Phyrexian Plaguelord but I don't do anything with them. 

16 Tons is showing it's age, in this respect. There have been a lot of cards printed since Tarox Bladewing and I haven't kept up. 

Third: It wants to live in Magical Christmasland, where everything works. 

A turn 2 Pardic Minder tempo spell followed by a turn 3 Trinisphere and then a turn 5 land destruction activation in Trench Wurm while also somehow getting a Oath out to recur a creature is pretty pie in the sky.

I so have another deck with a four card combo, but the difference is that if I get those four cards I win. If I get these three cards on the table, I don't just win. And that's me describing an ideal moment! 

So I'm going to let this one go; there's a better land destruction or resurrection deck in there and I'll work on that-heck, I probably already have one that could use these improvements. 

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