Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Drowning Mind

Monster Man vs Red Prison

Reincarnation goes well in Monster Man-the G/B reanimator deck I was thinking about. It took one set of games against Noah for him to see it too. 

So that's one problem sort of solved. The other came when I realized that with Reincarnation, I needed to bring back creatures that had an immediate impact on the board. As much as I love Sheoldred, Whispering One, it's just too damned slow

So I get to make some tweaks there: removing too-cute combos (Like  Archangel of Thune and Spike Feeder) for cards that are more direct in their path to victory. 

Nevertheless, after a few small tweaks, I got to play it against Matt, and it performed admirably in a VERY grindy game. There were a few creatures that were still the glory of cool things (looking at you, Archpriest of Shadows) but it's coming along better than I thought!

So where does that leave Zero Signal? I would still like to make an aggro deck of some sort I think. Maybe it's leftover brain gnawings from my Mavinda attempts, something I just can't let go of?

It was while this was on my mind that I came across Venerated Rotpriest

After a few swings at a decklist, this is what I've come up with:

4 Mavinda, Students' Advocate

3 Phalanx Leader

4 Venerated Rotpriest

2 Saffi Eriksdotter

2 Eternal Witness

2 Ranger of Eos

4 Mutagenic Growth

4 Defiant Strike

3 Charge Through

3 Legolas's Quick Reflexes

2 Snakeskin Veil

2 Sejiri Shelter

2 Vastwood Fortification

2 Forest

1 Plains

4 Lush Portico

4 Branchloft Pathway

4 Wooded Bastion

3 Faerie Guidemother // Gift of the Fae

3 Green Sun's Zenith

2 Gird for Battle


3 Lantern of the Lost

2 Serenity

2 Verdant Command

2 Abeyance

This one is an exercise in very tight manabases, but ones that I hope don't matter because the deck can just pop off. Also, currently I'm using Loran's Escape over Legolas's Quick Reflexes; they do very similar things and one costs significantly less. 

I do like the split second on LQR though and I wonder if there's a meaningful way to work that card into a deck. 

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