Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sordid Mesh

It was on a long walk that I realized something very important about Zero Signal:

I didn't need to attack to win. Zero Signal wants to poison the opponent and Rotpriest never says anything about doing damage. 

So what to do? The answer hit me with both a good and bad idea. 

The good idea: Ensnaring Bridge. Most decks have to attack to win; I don't. Let's hamper that. 

The bad idea: transformational sideboard!!!

These things almost never work, but it's so stupid I feel I have to give it a go. So; the Phalanx Leader and Dragonsguard Elite to flip this deck from a more defensive one to one where I'm trying to attack with giant creatures. 

My first game with Matt taught me two very important lessons;

First; Chalice of the Void set to one is bad for me.

Second: I can win through it, because Venerated Rotpriest doesn't care if my spells resolve. 

I also got to play it again against Noah who was running a new Lands deck with Wight of the Reliquary, and the Ensnaring Bridge was key in keeping a Marit Lage off my back. I also ran a few games with Fuz-I split the games but had good showings in both. 

In neither case did I get to try the sideboard. But hey, that's alright. This deck has some legs and a shot at something. If I need to sideboard, then I can always do that. 

3 Ensnaring Bridge

4 Mavinda, Students' Advocate
4 Venerated Rotpriest
2 Saffi Eriksdotter
2 Eternal Witness
2 Ranger of Eos

4 Mutagenic Growth
4 Defiant Strike
3 Charge Through
2 Snakeskin Veil
2 Sejiri Shelter
2 Vastwood Fortification
3 Loran's Escape

2 Forest
1 Plains
4 Lush Portico
4 Branchloft Pathway
4 Wooded Bastion

3 Faerie Guidemother // Gift of the Fae
3 Green Sun's Zenith"
2 Gird for Battle

15 Sideboard
SB: 3 Lantern of the Lost
SB: 3 Phalanx Leader
SB: 4 Dragonsguard Elite
SB: 2 Grand Abolisher
SB: 3 Serenity

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