Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Watching Life Come All Undone

(Ed. note: this post was supposed to come BEFORE the last one. Sorry; but content is content and hopefully this will fill in the gaps as to why I continued with a G/W build.)

Adding Black to Zero Signal seemed obvious but aside from Entomb, there didn't appear to be any other cards that assist the deck! Even a card like Buried Alive meant taking an entire turn three off to cast a sorcery that might help but not really forward my position.

I began wondering if I'm doing this all wrong. What if the deck was relentless, instead of trying to just put the big creature into play? Could it still be G/W? That would solve a lot of mana issues. Plus, I could still run Lush Portico to add to the deck's theme.

But. Is it worth it?

I began to realize that a card like Reincarnation is at its best functioning in a Reanimator style deck, not an aggressive one. The idea I had to begin with was on the right track; sacrificing small creatures for big ones, or letting cards like Timbermare come back. 

That's when I realized that I already had a G/B deck that was doing reanimation things and never quite got there. 

Maybe Reincarnation goes there? 

But then what to do with this G/W deck? Retire it?

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