Thursday, August 1, 2024

Bloomburrow Pre-Release (1-2)

Once again, I was at the Two-Headed Giant pre-release at Red Castle Games, my partner was the awesome Rebecca's how it went!

First match vs Eugene & Kevin (loss)

This one was a tough one—Rebecca drew 4 lands in a row, after mulliganing down to five cards. While I had an interesting start of two Mistbreath Elders, I couldn’t follow up with anything important. The tempo set us back, unfortunately. They had a Mable, a Heartfire Hero, and then followed it up with a slow building rat deck.

Round two; I’m sorry, I didn’t get your names! (won)

There was a nice back and forth; one opponent had a rat/otter deck the other had GW rabbits and while we kept them at bay, we were on the back foot for most of the game. I could deal with Burrowguard Mentor the first time, but it came back via a Dewdrop Cure. With Valley Floodcaller they really kept the pressure on. The UB deck they had was stacked, and at one point I counted four rares on the table just from them! 

At the last moment I was able to.cast a Dragonhawk, exiling 3 cards, give it haste with Raccoon Rallier and exile 3 more; this meant that no matter what, I was dealing 24 damage to my opponents (12 each) and that was exactly enough. That ending is very silly. But a win is a win!

Round 3; I also did not get their names, sorry. (loss)

It went pretty evenly, though Bandit's Talent did a LOT of work both forcing cards from our hand and doing damage. The critical play was a Scales of Shale to protect Driftgloom Coyote from my Agate Assault, preventing returning Kingfisher to us. I foolishly walked into attacking after that, instead of just letting Rebecca's fliers get damage in. They gained five life to the five damage and Bandit's Talent did another 4 damage to us on upkeep to seal it.

Sigh. I totally blew that one—but we had a good time! We both felt the games were good, and that we had opportunities, even in the games where RNG didn't help us.

Here's what we built:

Deck 1 (RG)
Playful Shove
Wildfire Howl
Agate Assault

Pawpatch Formation
Conduct Electricity

Flamecache Grecko
Mistbreth Elder (2, one later cut for the Wildfire Howl)
Byway Barterer
Brambleguard Captain
Wandertale Mentor
Rust-Shield Ramppager
Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest
Tender Wildguide (2)
Brambleguard Veteran
Raccoon Rallier
Quaketusk Boar
Treeguard Duo
Treetop Sentries
Sunspine Lynx
Alania's Pathmaker
Junkeblade Bruiser
Roughshod Duo
Bark-Knuckle Boxer

Deck 2 (UB)
Patchwork Banner
Sword of Fire & Ice

Savor (2)
Early Winter
Feed the Cycle


Starlit Soothsayer
Tidecaller Mentor
Agate-Blade Assassin
Daggerfin Duo
Persistent Marshstalker
Vren, the Relentless
Glidedive Duo
Mind Drill Assailant
Bonebind Orator
Starscape Cleric
Thought Shucker
Moonrise Cleric
Nightwhorl Hermit
Seedpod Squire
Waterspout Warden
Moonstone Harbinger

Hidden Grotto
Uncharted Haven (2)

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