Thursday, October 22, 2020

You Gotta Go


Rollin vs a BUG morbid deck

I got some more games in with Fuz, using the same build. His deck used creatures with Undying and cool effects like Pongify in order to both get cheap damage in early but also go wide. Plus, it doubles as removal in case I get out creatures that are just too good.

These games taught me about the double edged sword that is Grave Pact. If I have creatures out, that means my opponent has to think much harder about the use of their removal. 

If I don't, then I spent a turn doing nothing. And I know this because it happened. That didn't feel good, even though I was able to make my way back into the game, but I also think that it's something I have to accept. My mana curve is low enough, and I have enough creatures, that this should be an exception rather than the rule. More often than not, my issue was that I couldn't find a Grave Pact! 

Fortunately, Grave Pact isn't key to Rollin' winning the game; Living Death is as far more important card. Even Living Death isn't critical but Rollin' does have a far better game when I draw that card than when I don't. 

Once more, I found myself playing a grindy game, and was able to stall long enough to make a heck of a comeback in game 3, with a Grave Pact on the board after a Living Death making combat problematic. 

So far, so good. 

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