Thursday, May 4, 2023

Confusing Your Customers

It's a bad idea. 

I bought the March of the Machine Commander decks, because I always buy the big one they do every year. I was dismantling the decks to make new things, I was using spoiler lists to figure out what I had, what were reprints, and what had been previously printed in sets that I could then put into my donation box. Some kid is gonna be thrilled.

Except. Elspeth's Talent...why isn't that card in my set? Why aren't any of the talents with this?

Well, let's take a look at the official spoiler and...yike.

Then I remembered; This exact same thing happened for the regular March of the Machine product! There was the official product listing, which is great and I need that. 

What are these five cards

Why is it that when I buy a product, it isn't all of that product? 

Why do I have to have a flowchart in order to understand what I'm getting? 

God, these business practices are just so awful. WotC has embraced the bullshittery of the videogame industry and it is so, so draining for me. I really like this game, but they make it very difficult to enjoy it, sometimes. 

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