Tuesday, May 9, 2023


So there is one little thing that came out of the last bans: I have an illegal deck. Quickmix has four copies of Volcanic Island and four copies of Expressive Iteration. One of them has to go: cutting EI means the deck can be Legacy legal, cutting Volcanic Island means the deck can easily slide into Modern. 

Now, you know I love me those Liege decks so taking the deck apart isn't on the table. So I suppose the question is: Is there a U/R card that can make up for the power loss of cutting Expressive Iteration? Or is there a land that produces U/R that can make up for the power loss of cutting Volcanic Island. Spoiler: There isn't. Volcanic Island is such a powerful land that there is just no way to find a comparable replacement.

But. Liege decks are never going to be top of the line. They're going to be fun, yes and I am always entertained playing them. But their power level will always be hampered by the restriction of being a Liege deck. No regrets: I chose that and I like it.

Whereas Volcanic Island could provide a genuine boost to a deck that is teetering on the edge of being good, if only the mana were better

So I think the cut here is to Volcanic Island. Given the rest of the manabase, I am fairly certain that I want to use at least two basics to replace them, and then...I'm not sure. While there are a lot of options, many of them are bad. 

But Wandering Fumarole does fit into this deck's themes. Activation is expensive but with a Liege out, a 3/6 that can flip at will to a 6/3 is pretty good. With only two in the deck, the ETB effect shouldn't be too pronounced and it produces the right colors. 

Don't you worry though, Volcanic Island. I'll find a deck for you.

While I'm here, though, those two copies of Hypersonic Dragon are just...not helping. Mostly because the deck is surprisingly light on removal. I wonder if Izzet Charm might be the answer. That or Winterflame have intriguing options, but Bloodwater Entity's ETB ability might win out. Regrowing Expressive Iteration seems good.

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