Thursday, June 1, 2023

You Can Depend On The Worst

Had an test game with Noah (who was playing a Show & Tell variant) last night and the problem with using Starnheim Unleashed became apparent in game two. 

I had a Starnheim Unleashed foretold, and was building my army when Noah put a Phyrexian Dreadnought into play. I took the first hit, playing a bunch of elves from my hand including an Ezuri, Renegade Leader. 

But one hit was all I took: when Noah attacked with the Dreadnought next turn, my elves already had +2, and I proceeded to give them another +6, with mana up to regenerate the two 10/10's I was using to block with. 

I already had all the mana, and something to do with it. How would Starnheim Unleashed get me out of a situation where I already had what I needed? Creatures getting +6 and trample should win me the game. Making five 4/4 fliers with that mana would be fine, but it wouldn't change a situation where I was losing to one where I was winning. 

And that I realize, is the problem I really need to solve. Which means I have to reorient my thinking about what should go in that space. If the issue is that if they take away my mana dorks, I have no game then the obvious solution is; figure out how to either protect said dorks, or stall the game out long enough to get more dorks. Since I'm currently liking what Fateful Absence is doing, I'm inclined to lean into that direction, at least for now.

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