I hit level 90 in Marvel Snap and this time I did it with a deck I built myself! I present: SwanBounce.
Obviously this is a derivative deck using the Bounce deck principles, and it is a little challenging to play. If there's a clear flex slot, it's probably Echo. It might seem like Werewolf could be cut but I'd be wary of doing so. That card can get up to 9 power pretty easily if you are playing wisely, and can almost (if not occasionally exceed) your three big dogs. That's really helpful when those cards decide to be the last three cards in your deck.
That said; it suffers when there are locations like Central Park or Savage Lands that add small creatures to your board. Yes, you can bounce them but filling up your hand with garbage is a real risk. Drawing your hitters is important and getting the discounted Sasquatch to lead to a cheap Skaar is a big deal. And finding another cheap card to add in-Ant-Man might be good here, but there aren't many given how SwanBounce wants to play-isn't easy.
It might be fun to try with Phastos, the newest card. Making everything here either cheaper or stronger seems neat! Forge, however, is probably the best substitute, especially if there is a lot of Killmonger running around. (And it seems there always is for me).
Anyway, that's what I've been rocking and it's been fun so far. Good luck to everyone for the rest of the month!