Thursday, May 6, 2021

Single Combat I Await

Black Wind Fire & Steel vs Dinos

As always, this is about the point where I've run into a problem. 

A consistent issue has been holding Embercleave in my hand and being unable to do anything with it, because I have three mana in hand, two creatures on the board and nothing else to cast. I have decided to swap out the Sudden Death slot for creatures. While I like the uncounterable aspect of Sudden Death, it's also the most expensive and least versatile. Three more creatures instead of spells should give me enough density to regularly cast Embercleave. (I hope).

The test of Vengeful Rebel wasn't bad but it wasn't great. I picked the card because its enters the battlefield trigger could substitute as removal for the cutting of Sudden Death, but there were two problems. First, I couldn't get the trigger to happen on demand, and if I didn't have a creature die, then it was just a 3/2 for 3 and no other abilities. That's not great, since now it needs Lovisa Coldeyes to be imposing. And, Lovisa Coldeyes was the second reason to cut this card: If I can't trigger the Rebel before combat (which this deck really doesn't do), then I can't take advantage of Lovisa's haste buff. 

Matt suggested that I look for card draw. His initial suggestion was Read the Bones, and I immediately went to Village Rites as a substitute for those end of turn or response to removal plays. 

My concern is that this won't solve the creature density issue. However, it is worth keeping in mind since card draw is rarely bad.

I'm considering going to the other end, and finding more one mana creatures to play. This is a more aggressive deck, so consistently having a creature to put out turn one is a good thing. The power level is a problem, of course, but after looking through this list, there are a few options! 

And I've always wanted to play Zurgo Bellstriker. (No reason, I just wanted to). So let's give it a go!

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